
每个人都认识他们社区里的“那个人”. 与所有邻居都有联系. 随时准备伸出援助之手. 不断关心他人. 致力于改善他们称之为家的地方. They see a potential issue and actively look for solutions; they see an opportunity for progress and jump right in.

These are motivated people personally invested in creating real change right where they live. 越来越多的人把澳门威尼斯人游戏木作为积极变化的一部分. 随着理解的增长,社区澳门威尼斯人游戏木提供了所有的好处, it is becoming more apparent than ever that many neighborhoods need more green space for residents to thrive.

通过城市植澳门威尼斯人游戏努力, the 植澳门威尼斯人游戏节基金会 has had the privilege of working with many of these dedicated people. Each comes from a different background and got involved in greening their neighborhoods for different reasons. 但有一件事把他们联系在一起:对社区的热情.



乔治·阿克林(乔治Acklin)在帕克伍德附近住了近50年. 这是他和妻子抚养孩子的地方, 现在,他们的孙子们也会来这里参观. 这才是真正的家.

“Since we raised our children in this house, this is what I consider to be our home place. Whenever our children think about going home, they think about this place,” Acklin said. They had opportunities to move, but they just couldn’t see themselves living anywhere else. “我们决定留在这里……这样每个人都能回家。.”

多年来,他为心爱的帕克伍德社区倾注了如此多的心血. 这位退休的牧师担任学校的交警, 邻里协会会长, 兼环境美化专员. He also organizes volunteers to clean up litter and even mows the grounds at the neighborhood entrance when the city can’t get to it.

This may seem like a lot for one person to take on, but that’s just how Acklin was raised. 从很小的时候起,他的母亲就向他灌输为他人服务的重要性. “我们没有很多东西. 事实上,我们的钱还不够多,还不够多。. 无论如何,夫人. 阿克林会为家境更差的邻居做饭. “When she gets it done, we’re getting ready to eat and she says, ‘This is not for you all. 我们要把这个给别人.“她把饭分给了另一个比我们吃得少的家庭."

这就是阿克林一家的生活方式——即使别人一无所有也要支持他们. “我们不介意. 过去的人们只是分享,现在的人们仍然在分享. 你可能看不到全部,但人们仍然这样分享. 我就是这样长大的.”

I wanted to do something to make the entrance more inviting, make it more beautiful. 我想不出还有什么比澳门威尼斯人游戏更诱人、更美丽的了.

——乔治·阿克林 田纳西州纳什维尔

因此,当他看到一种可以为他心爱的社区服务的方式时,阿克林不会犹豫. 最近,他还投资植澳门威尼斯人游戏. He spearheaded the planting of more than 75 trees along that neighborhood entrance he helps to mow. “走廊还行,但看起来不太吸引人,”他说. "I wanted to do something to make the entrance more inviting, make it more beautiful. 我想不出还有什么比澳门威尼斯人游戏更诱人、更美丽的了."

He also helps to spread the word about a citywide program offering free trees for Nashville residents living in low-canopy neighborhoods. 作为澳门威尼斯人游戏的船长, Acklin serves as an advocate within the Parkwood community to help his neighbors understand the benefits of planting more trees in their yards. 他也是那些房主信任的熟悉面孔. “我和他们交谈,告诉他们发生了什么. 我告诉他们这是真的,没有陷阱。”他说. “这是信任因素. 现在他们知道这是真的,他们可以信任我,他们可以信任这个项目. 然后他们可以告诉他们的邻居,这些邻居可以告诉他们的邻居. 它会像涟漪效应一样爆炸.”

连锁反应肯定在起作用. 一个邻居接一个邻居,一棵澳门威尼斯人游戏接一棵澳门威尼斯人游戏,帕克伍德越来越绿了. And the benefits of these trees will be part of Acklin’s legacy — living on for generations to come.



伊妮德·平克尼本质上是一个讲故事的人. And the story she tells is one of community — preserving the heritage of her Brownsville neighborhood and supporting her neighbors. 她的观点很独特, having lived in the area for a long time and leading the charge to preserve historical sites steeped in cultural significance. 她甚至写了一本关于布朗潜水艇(布朗斯维尔的昵称)历史的书。.

她的澳门威尼斯人游戏主义使她成为这个服务不足社区的偶像, 她每天都在为迈阿密的这个角落努力工作. “这个社区一直以来都是一个家庭社区, 但现在它已经被新进入的开发者所渗透, 还有一些高楼大厦. 我们正在努力保护生活在这个社区的这个家庭,”平克尼说. “We are working on getting historic designation for this community so that we can keep the cultural heritage of this community and try to protect it.”

An important part of preserving the heritage of Brownsville is supporting those who live there now. 平克尼所在社区的大多数人都面临着粮食不安全的问题. The area is an urban food desert, with insufficient access to fresh and healthy food options. 平均家庭收入低于贫困线近30%, 步行距离内没有杂货店是一个严重的问题.

This was Pinkney’s moment to follow her heart and write a new chapter of Brownsville’s story. She volunteered a quarter-acre plot of land next door to her home to be used for a community garden, 人们团结起来把它变成了现实. 超过两天, 熬过六月的酷热和快速移动的暴雨, two local nonprofit organizations and dozens of volunteers from the neighborhood planted 45 fruit trees and a variety of vegetables.

平克尼被看到这个空间变得生动的经历所感动. “你知道, I really can't put into words how I'm inspired by what is taking place today and by the people who have come to share the labor. 这表明身边有好人. We just need to get them together and put them to work so that they can show the way.”

But more than getting the trees and plants in the ground, this day was about new experiences. 平克尼说得最好:“这是一次教学经历. 这是一次学习的经历. 这是一次建筑历史的体验.”

They will know there's a place that they can come, and the food is available and it's for them.

——伊妮德·平克尼 迈阿密,佛罗里达

现在,伊妮德院子的一部分将成为聚集地. 为了邻居和食物. “嗯, 你知道, 我很高兴能这样做, 能够把人们聚集在一起,这让我感觉很好,”她说。. "They will know there's a place that they can come, and the food is available and it's for them."

她对这个社区的爱现在已经写进了布朗斯维尔的故事, 把未来塑造得更好一点.



玛西娅听到 is a natural go-getter — heavily involved in her community of Newark and in the arts. 她是ACCA create的执行董事和联合创始人, 专注于艺术的组织, 文化, 社区澳门威尼斯人游戏主义. 而且是真正的有进取心的时尚, 她是她所在社区组织的创始人之一, 美丽的米德街.

我清楚地记得那些绿澳门威尼斯人游戏成荫的街道,那里的澳门威尼斯人游戏木就像一座大教堂, 美丽的华冠.

——玛西娅·希尔德 纽瓦克,新泽西州

希尔德从小就和澳门威尼斯人游戏有联系. Her early years were spent at her grandmother’s home in a well-treed area of Chicago. “我清楚地记得那些绿澳门威尼斯人游戏成荫的街道,那里的澳门威尼斯人游戏木就像一座大教堂, 美丽的华冠."


美丽的米德街通过纽瓦克市申请拨款. 目标是做一些小的改进,包括增加悬挂植物. 但希尔德说:“我希望我们的街区能有更多.她想要一个更接近她童年时代邻居家的澳门威尼斯人游戏的地方. “我注意到澳门威尼斯人游戏木被砍倒了,澳门威尼斯人游戏木没有被替换. 所以我做了一幅积木的画布,问人们是否对澳门威尼斯人游戏感兴趣. 有人说是的.”

在那一刻,希尔德真的投入了. 她自学了澳门威尼斯人游戏木给社区带来的所有好处, 分享她在改善空气质素方面的经验, 雨水管理, 热岛还原, 和更多的. 她还研究了她附近最好的澳门威尼斯人游戏种选择, 考虑到他们狭窄的林荫大道.

下一步是联系当地的植澳门威尼斯人游戏组织. 据希尔德说,“当我向他们伸出手时,就像魔法一样.” They were able to support her by handling funding, tree sourcing, and all the planning. 在她意识到这一点之前,她带头为她的社区举办了一场种植活动.

在活动当天,米德街总共种下了15棵澳门威尼斯人游戏. But with a total of 65 homes within her neighborhood, Heard sees this as an ongoing effort. “我们没有放弃. We are still approaching people and asking them if they are interested in tree planting now that they see the other trees up,”她说。.

这是一个光辉的例子,说明什么是可能的. This small but mighty group of neighbors — led by a true neighborhood champion — understood the importance of trees and made tree planting happen in their community.



